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 Master Weapon Shop

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Takashi Sage Uchiha
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Takashi Sage Uchiha

Posts : 204
Join date : 2010-01-27

Character sheet
Sheet: Host: Of the Demon Fox /kg: sharingan/EM - summoning/ snakes / hawks / jutsu : master of all the sharingan jutsu and mangekyou jutsu / cursed seal : heaven curse seal
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue750/800Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (750/800)
Life :
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue900/900Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (900/900)

Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptySun Jan 31, 2010 12:32 am

* Description: During the Chūnin exams, it was confirmed that animals can be considered a ninja tool. This was brought into question immediately prior to Naruto's fight with Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru.

A ninja's jutsu may often involve use of various animals; most notably among the Leaf ninja are the Aburame clan; who form a symbiotic relationship with a beetle-like species of insect called the Kikaichū. Also, the Inuzuka clan; which favors the use of canines in battle. In this first style of animal usage, the relationship between ninja and animal extends beyond battle; as they will be in each others company for most of their lives. The ninja will develop a unique style to maximize coordination between himself and his animal partner(s).

Another form of animal usage, and far more common, comes from the Summoning Technique. An example of a Summoning Technique is that of Kakashi that calls eight nindogs including Pakkun. This method is a time/space jutsu, which calls an animal to the user during battle after drawing blood and using sufficient chakra.

Name:Chakra Enhanced Trench Knives
A highly uniquely-designed trench knife, these blades are worn like Brass knuckles, but each one has a sharpened zig-zag 'tooth' over each knuckle, and a blade coming out of one end. Asuma couples these knives with his taijutsu skills to great effect, such that he can take out nine Sound ninja in a matter of seconds. The knives can be infused with elemental chakra to produce added effects.

Name:Chakra Seal Tag
Description: Using a tag similar to the exploding tag and placing it on a door, the user prevents anyone else from entering or leaving the room. By using a special hand seal, the tag disappears.

Name:Exploding Tag
Exploding tags are scraps of paper inscribed with a special writing, centring around the kanji for "explode" (爆, baku). Infused with chakra, they will explode after a set amount of time, remotely, or after being ignited by flame. The tags can be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an enemy. They are very versatile and one of the basic ninja tools. Ninja can confuse their enemies by obtaining fake Exploding Tags.

Name:Flash Bombs
Description: Flash bombs are small round spheres that are attached to a kunai knife, similarly to an exploding tag. Once thrown, flash bombs explode on impact, creating blinding flashes, used as a diversion. Shikamaru Nara uses these against Tayuya; using them to create shadows so he can use his Shadow Imitation Technique on Tayuya's Doki.

Name:Fūma Shuriken
A large, four-bladed shuriken possessing pre-eminent sharpness and lethality. This type of shuriken is considered characteristic to the famous Fūma clan, after whom they were named and who possibly developed them. However, their use is not limited to this clan. Its four blades can be collapsed for easy storage, leading to its nickname Shadow Windmill (影風車, Kage Fūsha). In Sasuke's battle with Itachi he has shown the ability to rig the four blades to disconnect and have them fire as a surprise attack.

Name:Infinite Armor
Infinite Armor was a unique armored chest plate, fashioned into the shape of a lion's face. This armor has the ability to draw out and absorb the chakra of anyone or anything that comes into contact with it: when Gaara's chakra-imbued sand came into contact with it, the chakra molded into the sand was drained and the sand fell inert. When Rock Lee tried to attack Suiko directly, the armor drained the chakra out of the kick. To extend the reach of the armor's chakra draining ability, Suiko used the armor in conjunction with a specialized Flail, that allowed the Infinite Armor to drain an opponent's chakra through it.

The jōhyō is one of the flexible weapons seen in Chinese martial arts. The jōhyō consists of a long rope, typically several meters long, with a handle attached to one end, and a metal dart attached to other, acting as a weight which allows the user to throw the dart out at a long range target to bind them then either reel them in or perform an attack on them. The jōhyō is a relative of the meteor hammer, the flying claws, and the chain whip.

A "Kama" is a Japanese sickle used as a weapon. It has a short handle and a sharp beak that inflicts damage. Both Fū and Ao have been seen throwing a kama at a opponent.

Name: Katana
# Description: "Katana" is the general description of any Japanese sword or bladed weapon that is longer than a dagger. They vary in size, shape, and even in material. Katana, when used, often become the central focus of the ninja's jutsu, with the sword-user developing techniques to maximize his sword's efficiency.
# Traditional use: In tradition, a katana is a single-edged sword designed for open-field combat. The blunt end of the katana could be, technically, used as a bludgeon tool. The forging of a katana can take over half a day, and is still considered an art in today's society. Katanas are not made for precise cutting-related attacks, since it could damage the blade. Wakizashi, a name given to swords with a blade length in-between that of a katana and a dagger, complements the use of a katana. The wakizashi is used where the katana could not, including executions and seppuku, ritual suicide, as such precise actions can dull or snap the katana's blade.

Kunai (クナイ) are a type of shuriken and one of the more basic weapons seen in Naruto. It is a black dagger designed to be thrown, and is about the length of one's hand. Many ninja attack by attaching an exploding tag to the blade. The kunai is usually thrown so that it lodges in an object near the target, and then the explosion from the attached tag destroys said target.

Name:Lion-Headed Kannon
This ninja tool is used by Chiyo as a means for using the Sealing Technique: Lion Closing Roar. It is kept inside one of the puppets from the Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu. It starts out as a small ball that can be held in one's hand, but when thrown grows out into a man-sized lion's head with numerous large fangs and its mouth wide open. If aimed correctly, the tool will pin the target against a wall with its mouth, making them unable to move.

Makibishi are small, sharp objects that are mostly used to prevent someone from walking from one side to another, since they would hurt their feet if they tried to pass it, it's rarely used in Naruto, but Itachi once used it combined with a smoke bomb, and Kakashi used them against Zabuza.

# Description: A chain with weights in both ends, that can be swung at opponents or even used as an anchor. Kakashi Hatake used it as a counter against Pain's Deva Path's Banshō Ten'in technique and later used a chain in attempt to restrain the Deva Path's arms and leave him open to the Akimichi clan's double team attack.
# Traditional use: Manriki-gusari or Kusarifundo was designed to strike, ensnare or trap an opponent. One tactic was to bunch the chain in a fist and fling one weighted end into the face, groin or solar plexus of an opponent, quickly and discreetly disabling or even killing them. Typical manriki-gusaris are approximately three feet long. The manriki-gusari could also be thrown before drawing another weapon, thus possibly confusing, or surprising the enemy. Many forms taught to hit directly with only one swing, so the opponent would not expect the blow.

Name:Metal Wires
Description: The metal wires are used to trap enemies. If enemies get tangled in the wires tightly, they can get sliced up. Probably what's a lot more effective is when Sasuke Uchiha wrapped up Orochimaru, he performed the Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique, causing the wires to light up on fire, burning Orochimaru.

Name:Triple-Bladed Scythe
The Triple-Bladed Scythe is the primary weapon of Akatsuki-member Hidan. Its main purpose is to aid him in collecting blood for his Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood ritual. Because of this, it is designed, not so much to kill the target, but to wound them, no matter how big or small the wound.

Name:Sand Guard
The Sand Guard Makes You Have a Guard On Your Back.

All The weapons Cost 200 except For Sand Guard,Triple Bladed Scythe,Lion Headed Cannon,Katana,KamaAnd Infinite Armor instead These Cost 1000 Each.

Personalized Weapon Guide
In addition to the weapons every ninja carries, some ninjas have taken on personalized weapons with which they have developed special skills. One specialized used of bladed weapons is in Kenjutsu (Sword Techniques). This style is practiced by the Mist Seven Swordsmen, samurai of the Iron Country and by ninja from other shinobi villages.

Generally these will be actual physical manifestations of weapons in some form, rather than elemental attacks created by jutsu such as mud or fire.
Gai's Nunchaku

Gai carries along a set of nunchaku on his missions. When battles move in close, Gai can withdraw these weapons to deal direct damage to his opponent.

Bladed Weapons
Asuma's Knuckle Knives

These deadly knives belong to the Leaf Jounin Asuma. The combination of brass knuckles and knife prove a deadly weapon to any foe Asuma faces. Asuma can also extend his chakra through the metal of the blade and out the end using his Hien technique. This causes the blade to lengthen with an added chakra edge. This hidden danger can act as a surprise to enemies who misjudge the distance they will need to maneuver to avoid the deadly blades.

GamaBunta's Daggers

The toad boss Gamabunta carries two personal daggers. Giant in size, these daggers can be utilized by either Gamabunta or any powerful ninja who can lift and maneuver their weight.

Hanzaki's Zanbatou

Fuuma Hanzaki carries this large Zanbatou long sword.

Hatake Family Tanto

This tanto belonged to Kakashi's father Hatake Sakumo, who was known as "Konoha's White Fang." Using the blade, the unique white chakra will pour forth from Kakashi and his father.

Hayate's Sword

This katana is utilized by the Leaf ninja Gekko Hayate. Using this blade, Hayate does the Dance of the Crescent Moon technique. This is an advanced technique that creates multiple copies of the user while the real version attacks from the opponents blindside.

Hidan's 3-Bladed Scythe

Akatsuki member Hidan uses a large three-bladed scythe which he can throw at his opponents. Using a rope running from his arm to the scythe itself, he can launch the whole thing to give him added versatility. This may be due to his reputed slower attack speed among the group.


This large sword features vents which allows concentrated chakra to eject and take different forms. Choujuurou gained this weapon by being a member of the Mist Seven swordsmen, an elite ninja squad of Hidden Mist village.

Idate's Knife

Idate was given this knife by Boss Jirocho of the Tea Country. He gave it to Idate as a sign of trust in the young man in his new position as his subordinate.

Kakkou's Retractable Wrist Blades

Stone ninja Kakkou has retractable wrist blades attached to his forearms. These blades can spring forth when needed to surprise any opponent he fights hand to hand.

Kamakiri's Scissor Pinchers

Kamakiri lives up to his "praying mantis" name by utilizing a pair of scissor-like pinchers. These pinchers can be squeezed to pinch and slice through any opponent.

Karui and Omoi's Swords

Cloud ninjas Karui and Omoi carry similar looking katanas on their backs. Both are skilled in the use of their weapon, having trained under skilled blade master Killer Bee.

Kimimaro's Bone Swords

Because of his unique Bloodline ability, the Sound ninja Kimimaro can remove bones from his body at will. After removing the bone, the sword is then created. Because the removed bone can become harder than steel, this sword can become a very reliable weapon.

Kotetsu's Giant Kunai

Kotetsu carries two large kunai on his back. Kotetsu can work in tandem with Kamizuki Izumo to wield both with deadly results.

Kotetsu's Shell Mace

Kotetsu has a large mace with a spiked conch-type shell head. Due to its size Kotetsu keeps the mace in an easily accessible summoning scroll until needed.

Kubikiri Houchou (Decapitating Carving Knife)

This long head cleaving sword was the primary weapon of Momochi Zabuza. Zabuza gained this weapon by being a member of the Mist Seven swordsmen, an elite ninja squad of Hidden Mist village. When Zabuza fled his village, he brought this sword along with him. This sword was eventually obtained by former Mist ninja Suigetsu, who trained in the hopes of one day becoming a Mist Seven member.

Kujaku's Two Soushouken (Dual Rising Blades)

Craftsman kunoichi Kujaku wields two blades crafted in her home village. These two swords can redirect wind attacks and bring out their maximum potential using a minimum amount of chakra. With these blades she can also generate wind-based attacks.

Kumo-Nenkin Spikes

Utilizing his body's ability to create kumo-nenkin (golden spider thread) from both his pores and his mouth, Kidoumaru uses the thread to fashion weapons that are as hard as metal. With the thread he can make spikes and daggers to hurl at an enemy.

Kurosuki Raiga's Swords

Raiga's swords are used in conjunction with his lightning jutsu. Raiga can build up an electric charge in his swords which he can then fire at his opponents. He can also charge the swords, ram them into the ground and then send out tendrils of lightning.

Kusanagi (Grasscutter)

The legendary sword Kusanagi is the personal weapon of the Sannin Orochimaru. When unneeded the sword is kept within Orochimaru's body. When he wishes to utilize it, he will open his mouth wide and have it extend from his chest cavity through his throat.

Mahiru's Sword
Cost 659
Stone ninja Mahiru served as an advanced recon soldier. He carried this sword on his missions into enemy territory.

Nidaime's Raijin Sword
Cost 700
The legendary Raijin (God of Lightning) sword belonged to the Second Hokage. After his death, it remained in Konoha as a legendary artifact. Leaf ninja Aoi convinced Idate to steal the sword. Aoi then took the weapon to Hidden Rain and defected to their village.

Oni Brothers
Cost 600
The Oni (Demon) Brothers are missing-nins from Hidden Mist Village. The two brothers wear large clawed devices on one of their hands. Running between the claws connecting the brothers is a edged chain that can cut anyone who gets near it. The brothers work in a formation where one brother will launch the other into the air and surprise their opponent, while flying through the air the brother can wrap the chain around an opponent. Pulling the chain taught, the brothers can then shred their victim to pieces. The brothers aren't limited to the restriction of the chain either, they can disconnect the chain and just use the poision soaked claws to attack an opponent.

Ryuugan's Gariantou (Garian Blade)
Cost 650
Craftsman ninja Ryuugan wields a blade crafted in his home village. This sword has three blade made up of segments pieces connected via wire. These segments respond to user's chakra to extend in the form of dragons that can bite.

Samehada (Sharkskin)
Cost 800
This large sword features shark skin scales running down its length which serve to rip the flesh from those it strikes. Kisame gained this weapon by being a member of the Mist Seven swordsmen, an elite ninja squad of Hidden Mist village. Samehada itself is sentient to a degree, having the ability to consume and pass chakra back to its owner. Samehada can also merge with its owner, granting them a shark-like appearance.

Samurai Sword
Cost 650
These swords are wielded by the mercenary samurai Waraji and Zouri.

Sasuke's Kusanagi (Grass Cutter)
Cost 650
Studying under Orochimaru, Sasuke began using his own Kusanagi (Grass Cutter). Using this sword with his Chidori Nagashi technique, Sasuke was able to greatly increase its' cutting ability. Virtually nothing could stop this blade when it sought its target.

Yondaime's "Flying Thunder God" Kunai
Cost 850
Yondaime Hokage would mark kunai and other weapons with a rite, which allowed him to transport across time and space to its location. This specific kunai was given to Hatake Kakashi on his advancement to Jounin, it was marked with such a rite.

Please see the puppet guide available here for further information.
Ranged Weapons
Dosu's Sound Amplifier
Cost 700
The Sound Genin Dosu wears a sound amplifying device on his right arm. This weapon vibrates at such a range so as to disrupt the inner ear membrane of his target. This can result in extreme disorientation and dizziness.

Fubuki's Ice Bombs
Cost 400
Fubuki has attached wings to her chakra armor. As she flies above her opponent, she will unleash these ice bombs attached to kunai. Then the kunai impact her target, the bombs will explode in a torrent of ice spikes. These rising ice is powerful enough to lift several tons off the ground.

Haku's Flying Water Needles
Cost 500
Created using a secret jutsu unique to Haku, the deadly flying needles are created from any nearby water Haku can find. Once created, Haku can control the needles through chakra and force of will. The needles can float into the air and come raining down on an opponent at Haku's command.

Kimimaro's Finger Bullets
Cost 660
Because of his unique Bloodline ability, the Sound ninja Kimimaro can remove bones from his body at will. With this technique, Kimimaro can literally turn his fingers into projectile launchers. Aiming his fingers at his opponent he can launch his distal phalange bones as bullets.

Kin's Bells
Cost 550
Though they resemble normal bells, this weapon of the Sound ninja Kin possesses unique qualites. As an attack, Kin will launch needles that have wire and a bell attached. Using the wire, Kin can shake the needle and cause the bell to vibrate. These bells emit a special frequency that then causes the inner ear of her target to vibrate, resulting in hallucinations.

Kumo-Nenkin Bow and Arrows
Cost 440
Utilizing his body's ability to create kumo-nenkin (golden spider thread)from both his pores and his mouth, Kidoumaru uses the thread to fashion weapons that are as hard as metal. With the thread he can make a large bow with which to fire his kumo-nenkin arrows.

Mizore's Chakra Armor Hand
Cost 330
Snow ninja Mizore has augmented his chakra armor will a large clawed hand. This hand can detatch and be shot at his opponents to grab ahold of them. It can also fire out a sticky rope to tie up his enemy.

Mizuki's Giant Shuriken
Cost 400
The Leaf Chuunin Mizuki utilized these giant shuriken after he convinced Naruto to steal the forbidden jutsu scroll. These large shuriken are hurled by the user at an opponent, their large size increasing the damage they inflict as they fly through the air.

Mubi's Crossbow
Cost 350
Rain ninja Mubi carries a four bolt crossbow. This crossbow can fire normal arrows, flaming arrows or grappling arrows.

Naruto's Summoned Giant Shuriken
Cost 330
In the second part of the Naruto series, Naruto carries a summoning scroll holding a giant shuriken. Storing weapons in summoning scrolls allows Naruto to carry more weapons into combat and not hinder his freedom of movement.

Shikamaru's Light Bombs
Cost 220
Shikamaru depends on light to be able to utilize his Kage Mane jutsu. In situations where he needs more light to cast a longer shadow, he will use these light bombs. They are marked with "hikari" meaning light.

Shizune's Needle Launcher
Cost 440
Hidden on her right forearm, Shizune has a needle launcher which she can use to send poison tipped needles at her opponent. After lifting her sleeve she can pull the launch cable taught and then let it loose, which will launch the five poison tipped needles towards her target.

Tayuya's Flute
Cost 550
This flute is used by the Sound ninja Tayuya. The flute allows her to control the Doki she summons, she can also use the flute to cast illusion spells to confuse her opponent.

TenTen's Summoned Weapons
Cost 450
Though she does not appear to carry many weapons, TenTen uses several scrolls containing many weapons she can throw with deadly accuracy. By being able to summon kunai, shuriken and other edged weapons whenever she wants, TenTen can pose a serious problem to any enemy she faces. These weapons include such things as Bakuretsu no Yaiba (Exploding Blades), which is a spiked bomb which explodes blades upon impact.

Temari's Kyodai Sensu (Gigantic Fan)
Cost 450
Temari carries this large fan on her back. When needed, the fan can unfold and create a large cyclonic wind. Temari is able to imbue her chakra into the wind, which allows her to hold the victim as the wind slices them to pieces.
Cost 550
Temari also utilizes her fan when she wishes to summon. She unfolds her fan, spreads her blood on the fan and with a quick swing her summon arrives in the air to carry out a slicing attack with the wind.

Uchiha Clan Sharingan Windmill Triple Blade
A unique technique to the Uchiha clan, the Sharingan Windmill Triple Blade utilizes multiple large shuriken with wire attached. Hurled through the air the clan member can control the direction of the shuriken to have it encircle the opponent with the wire to restrain them. Having the upper hand, the clan member can then attack the restrained opponent with another ranged jutsu. In Sasuke's case, he used this technique in conjunction with a fire technique, incinerating his opponent.

Zaku's Air Vents

400The Sound Genin Zaku has had his arms modified to contain air vents. When used in conjunction with jutsu techniques, Zaku can control supersonic waves and air pressure. This allows him to release massive gusts of air at his opponent. The gust is so strong that it can even destroy rock.

Staff And Spears
Chouza's Staff
Akimichi Chouza has the ability to alter the size of his body at will. Chouza utilizes a personal staff weapon that has the ability to grow in size as he does.

Enma Kongou-Nyo Form
Elder Monkey Enma, one of the personal summons of the Third Hokage, has the ability to transform into a Kongou-Nyo (diamond hard staff) weapon. In this form he can extend himself to varying lengths. While in the staff form he can also partially transform back into his normal form, allowing him to open an eye to view the situation or extend an arm to grapple with a foe.

Gamaken's Staff and Shield
Giant toad summon Gamaken wields a large forked sasumata-like staff and shield combo.

Kimimaro's Flowering Spear
Cost 550
After attaining his level two cursed seal form, Kimimaro can create a large flowering spear on his forearm. It is said this spear can pierce any enemy shield.

Kimimaro's Spinal Vine Whip
Cost 500
After attaining his level two cursed seal form, Kimimaro removes his spinal column. He then extends it to form a long spiked vine whip that has the ability to flex and bend around his target.
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Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyTue Feb 02, 2010 1:03 am

i want kisame sword, tenten summoner scroll, kunias mikabushi spikes an some shriekens altogether thats

an when i buy the kunia i have infinite amount right because 200 points a kunia is dumb even though i have the tenten scroll
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Takashi Sage Uchiha
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Takashi Sage Uchiha

Posts : 204
Join date : 2010-01-27

Character sheet
Sheet: Host: Of the Demon Fox /kg: sharingan/EM - summoning/ snakes / hawks / jutsu : master of all the sharingan jutsu and mangekyou jutsu / cursed seal : heaven curse seal
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue750/800Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (750/800)
Life :
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue900/900Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (900/900)

Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyTue Feb 02, 2010 2:12 am

OK ill take away your points ?

and yes the kunai are infinite ?
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Takashi Sage Uchiha
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Takashi Sage Uchiha

Posts : 204
Join date : 2010-01-27

Character sheet
Sheet: Host: Of the Demon Fox /kg: sharingan/EM - summoning/ snakes / hawks / jutsu : master of all the sharingan jutsu and mangekyou jutsu / cursed seal : heaven curse seal
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue750/800Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (750/800)
Life :
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue900/900Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (900/900)

Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 4:52 am

I also wanna buy ( the shark SKin )
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Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 5:01 am

yay the sharkskins rule
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Takashi Sage Uchiha
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Hokage of the village hidden in leaves
Takashi Sage Uchiha

Posts : 204
Join date : 2010-01-27

Character sheet
Sheet: Host: Of the Demon Fox /kg: sharingan/EM - summoning/ snakes / hawks / jutsu : master of all the sharingan jutsu and mangekyou jutsu / cursed seal : heaven curse seal
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue750/800Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (750/800)
Life :
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue900/900Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (900/900)

Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 5:07 am

Yes is my favorite weapon ?

also only me and you have it no one else could get it unless they take it form us ?

but my shark skin love my chakra
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Master Perfect
The Kekkei Genkai Butcherer Forum Assassination and Infraction League
Master Perfect

Posts : 517
Join date : 2010-01-30
Age : 29
Location : Akatsuki Hide Out

Character sheet
Sheet: Rank:Kage Leader of The Akatsuki, Host of The 8 Tailed OX Jutsus:All Sharingan Jutsus,Rinningen,And Mangekyou Sharingan
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue800/800Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (800/800)
Life :
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue900/900Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (900/900)

Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 5:09 am

i want kisame sword,hidans blade and sand guard
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Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 5:37 am

only 2 people an the world can have the sharkskin
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Master Perfect
The Kekkei Genkai Butcherer Forum Assassination and Infraction League
Master Perfect

Posts : 517
Join date : 2010-01-30
Age : 29
Location : Akatsuki Hide Out

Character sheet
Sheet: Rank:Kage Leader of The Akatsuki, Host of The 8 Tailed OX Jutsus:All Sharingan Jutsus,Rinningen,And Mangekyou Sharingan
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue800/800Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (800/800)
Life :
Master Weapon Shop Left_bar_bleue900/900Master Weapon Shop Empty_bar_bleue  (900/900)

Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop EmptyWed Feb 03, 2010 5:42 am

it should be 3 since the three of us r mods dont u think
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Master Weapon Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: Master Weapon Shop   Master Weapon Shop Empty

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